OH Wow! Lots of things to learn and Peter is helping me get all sorts of things happening with this here 'Blog', so bear with me as I get it all figured....Here are a couple seasonal photos. One is of Gay's Conn's Paint Horse Max, and my Head Assistant Trainer, Sage, sporting the very latest in outfits.....(taken 2 winters ago)
The other was taken yesterday morning, at home here on the Dot Ranch. Funny, how you add snow, and everything just gets to feeling like Christmas. With the weather being all cold, it is far easier to just hop on bareback instead of sitting in a cold saddle, so I grabbed Indy, and Carson came along for the tour, and we headed up the Sage hills, with three dogs in tow. Today was completely mono-chromatic; all snow and fog, very sureal. Just spent the time watching the interactions between Carson and Indy, the way they are so aware...of their surroundings, each other, me, the dogs, and still have time to clown around. Half way, I switched horses, and watched the change in the dynamic. He who is ridden, is in charge, other guy is second in line, literally. Indy thinks this change in position is VERY unbecoming and sulked all the way home. Carson? Well he was all puffed up like he just won the Preakness.....
I seriously must be your biggest fan! Love your style of writing - could read it all night! And it didn't hurt reading about Carson acting so puffed up - please tell him his Mum said he is very lucky to be with Auntie Stef and to remember to mind his manners - and give him a big hug too!