Horse Power
I am happily in the depths of an amazing book titled " Power vs Force", by Dr. David Hawkins.
It delves into consciousness, spirit and energy patterns, amongst other fascinating brain strains.....There is a line in there (well, LOTS of lines!) that caught my attention. See as we all know, everything reflects everything else, and of course I apply these thoughts to Horsemanship. " A subjective sensation of slow motion, beauty, and grace is frequently noted in higher states; time seems to stop and there is an inner silence, despite the noise of the world" Boy, how many of us know that truth! For me, it is one of the multitude gifts that the horses bring. When I get so into our interaction, playing with loading into the trailer backwards,or working on advancing some certain move, or traveling out on a fine trail with the sun warming cold winter hands,
or watching them zooming around icy fields, marveling that they can stay upright.... After riding Gumby and Carson out on the scant snow left, I sneak off on Indy, down around the Lower river trail, past the cattle chewing off the last of summer's alfalfa and along the river is that is trying to freeze up. The footing's good, and we're sharp shod anyway, and both of us agree. We need to RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man can that horse fly! Flat out down the dirt road, blowing by the scattering calves, and over the creek and we're flat out up the hill and headed home, as tears of bliss and ice pour down my face...and time stands still.
awesome, possum!