Well now!
At Peter's (The Great, I might add!) determined nudging, here I am with a 'Blog'! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So it would seem the 'Shy Girl' now gets more practice at talking....well, you need to be careful what you wish for since we apparently leave a crumb trail for it to find us...
So I am going to be sharing some thoughts , observations, insights, questions,and general musings about my day to day interactions with the horses that wander through my life. Alot of pretty cool things can happen in a day, as well as the day to day training triggers a multitude of A-Ha's both in horsemanship and in life. So stay tuned and at the very least I get typing practice and feel like I might be chatting to someone....
By the way, the photos are of Sage, her son, Griffin and Indy, my main man. They were taken last summer when Griffy was 6 monthes old and they are my constant companions and are currently pre-heating my bed....so that's my cue.
Until next time.................Stef
Love the blog - could get addicted to your daily goings on. I LOVE the way you express things!