Thursday, March 11, 2010


" Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. Francis of Assisi

For so long in my life, I had always felt a much stronger connection to animals then humans. I felt safe with them, free and understood. Humans were much more challenging to relate to, and to be honest, I felt very little desire to even try to have a deeper connection and relationship with them. " I am an animal person" was firmly my belief. So for me it was easy to quit everything on the Island, and move up to a Ranch in the middle of nowhere really and live only with the animals....happily training away on my own.


Imagine my surprise when I discover the joy of sharing with other hu
mans the wonders of their horse. When I see the love they have for them, their determination to learn, grow and challenge themselves to get it better for their horses. When I share the heart ache of fear, indecision, self-doubt and lack of confidence (in themselves, their horses and in their horses) When folks make the supreme effort to just "show-up" in life, with their horses and up here, 100's of miles from home and offer up the dedication and sometimes fragile belief in their choice to continue with their horse and a horse dream. I became humbled, and surrounded with a depth of feeling that really allowed me to accept the inevitable truth.......I am a 'people person' AND an 'animal person' and really, they are the exact same thing, linked by an unfathomable desire to grow, love and face the very things that can scare the $#@*& out of us and be able to receive the immense gift that that will bring. Imagine....... I want to share with you an e-mail that Angela sent a couple days ago, because it really sums up the courage and desire never to give up on a dream and the rich rewards that are just awaitin' us to find them. Angela and Ace have been together for 9 years, and I first met Ace as a pale, cheeky weanling in Metchosin. Angela had high hopes and skills enough to set the stage for a great partnership, but as life would have it, Life happened. Marriage, kids, homes and all the rest put Ace on the back burner...never given up on, yet still barely started and then......

An all to frequent story with often a much sadder ending of a dream forgotten.

But Ace ( cheeky, clever devil that he is) apparently took matters into his own hands ,er, hooves and fixed a deal with the Universe and set a chain of events into process that led to his coming to me for 3 months and Angela for a week..... he has been home since fall and well, it has still be a journey of finding time for self and the inevitable green horse dilemmas, but Angela and Ace are well over the 'hump' and on their way.... Enjoy...:) And Thanks for permission to share this great story Ang!

So Mr.Ace and I went for a ride. It has been well over a month and I told him each day "on Sunday, it is our day" Sunday came and he was ready, snuggly and following me like a puppy. Funny how they know. We tacked up (saddling... arggh) took the bit like a carrot and we were off. I kept him between my legs, and 15 mins in we came across some hikers I knew. He stood, square and still for 15 mins while we talked only gently nosing a kid once for attention. We had our picture taken a few times, he was oohed and ahhhed over and on we went. What a gentleman. I heard some motors, that were not being "normal so off we go to investigate... a couple of quads trying to get under a fallen tree. PERFECT! lets go see the scary stuff! We wove in between the running quads, struggling helmeted guys and wiggling tree to go and step over the low end of the tree , oh -one spook- you are fine, on he goes past the other running quad and up the trail (suckers!). The they caught up (I had no intention on going up this trail but since they "let me go first" instead of standing there staring at them I carried on. They then came up behind and passed me on the narrow trail. Not even an ear flick as they rode by close enough to touch. Awesome! Okay they are gone lets go find more! Found a couple of LOUD dirt bikes tearing down the trail, Monte ( the dog)was ahead to slow them down (safety crew!) and before they could shut it down I walked by the first, then by the second shut off one (why is he shut off, not sure!... it's okay I am here. Walk on) After passing he fired it up and opened the throttle BLAH...BLAH! Whatever ;) Nice ride, center of trail, puddles easy... ahhhh this is the life. A couple of dart up the hill (on the way HOME, with me having to pick up the reins -oh yah reins?!) When we got back we even did a trot up the top driveway relaxed and nice. My fears addressed: trotting and encountering bikes. He is such a trooper and so connected. I have made it an appointment each Sunday we go out, anything else is a bonus. Rain or shine, we beat the rain this time, but I had my oilskin done up like a bedroll on the back of my saddle just in case ;) a good ride after a month + off?! Willing and soft?! I imagine summer when nights are light and we can get out more how great he will be :) It is my solace, my stress relief when all seems hopeless, my meditation.......

For all of you who have had the courage and faith to never quit yourselves or your horses. Those who have been assailed by nay sayers and negative self talk tapes and done it anyway. Those who just kept trying, found another way, gave it their best shot when everything else said to find another passion or horse or be 'sensible'! For all those that have passed through my life and enriched it it with your presence and strength........Thank you.

As Buck Brannaman would say............'And you know who
you are!'*)

1 comment:

  1. Those of us that you have supported in our dedication thank you for your patience, understanding and non-judgemental ways through it all :)
