Friday, October 15, 2010




Anyone still out there??????????????

eeeesh! Its been a 3 month dry spell for no writing and I am missing it and looking forward to ge
tting to blab on and on again...!

BUT! hahahahaha Not tonight! But, I would like to share and invite everyone (all 2 of you....:) to come and visit me at the Mane Event this year!

YES! I will have a booth, #606 or alternatively, just look for the dogs. I am very excited/nervous, and look forward to trying something new and different again....because you can't hardly do too much of that growing and learning stuff!

So swing by and have a coffee/tea and we will get the chance to catch up face to face....Happily, this event is also causing me to set some Camp Dates for 2011 (2011!!!!!!!!!) very early (especially for me!:) and just as a sneak hint, the 71/2 Diamond ones will include COWS!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your support, patience and love, see you soon!

PS the pics are of Carson in the water jump, me holding the camera and lead rope out of the water, and Indy, Cita and Ivy teaching him how to splash, play and do the Can Can......... Why I am the one who gets paid, I'll never know................

1 comment:

  1. We are here Stef! Thanks for coming back to the blog, and I hope there is room for 2+horses next summer! Sounds interesting!
