Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Juego Del Duende

V Espada     Spanish/Portuguese Andalusian

What happens  when truly special black mare allows her human to 
Internet shop for a date for her? She finds a truly special White stallion
 and create a wondrous palomino Filly. (come on! Everybody knows white and black
makes yellow!  Sheesh)

"Saphiro"     Portuguese Luisitano

Meet Juego del Duende...


Juego del Duende     Purebred Andalusian S/P

Duende came into this world on a rainy morning, May23 2013. Right from the very first it was clear she had a mind all her
own and things were not to be controlled by the likes of a mere human mortal, such as I. I had so  carefully
planned the time of year so that it would be green, warm and DRY. ( It NEVER rains in Merritt, remember!) 
I had a tidy, safe pen built inside my herds pasture so mom and baby would be safe, yet still a part of the herd
while they got used to everything. Right....

'spady was due on May 21st....On May 20th, the heavens opened up and it poured rain for three days straight turning all the pens, fields et al into soupy, slippery slimy messes! After a ton of head scratching, calls to my good friends up at Can a Mex farms (foal out a ton of TB's every year) we decided to leave her in the field with her buddies as a best second.  So I awoke with a start on May 23rd. peered out the rain soaked window and as Erin was working with me at the time, I tossed a bucket of ice water on her and we both bolted out to the field where the herd was inspecting this tiny, damp, scrawny creature. Indy was trying to herd it away from poor 'Spady and IV was standing guard whilst Cita was standing stock still from the shock of what was transpiring. We got all the potential Baby Tramplers squared away in the Mud Pen (too bad for them:) and scooted mama and Babe into the old barn in the field out of rain and began our inspection.

 Well now! With Saphiro a Cremello, and Espada true black, that left the only color option being Buckskin. Clearly that was not to be the case. We had us a baby palomino...and really? and what else would I have? I knew it was a boy and even sexed it at first that way, so imagine my surprise when he squatted and peed out the back end....What the Heck is going on here? LOL Welcome to the world, little one!

Espada has proven to be the most astonishingly good mother, tolerant, firm, sharing of her filly with visitors whose energy was good, and leading her away when she wasn't comfortable. Completely at ease with the dogs and Sage in particular was fascinated and in love! Through out the entire process, 'Spady has been a queen.!

 Choosing a name for the baby a daunting task that finally ended in Duende. Duende is believed to be the hardest word to translate form Spanish into English. Loosely it means " the power of artist when creating their true souls art and it causes anyone witnessing that art to get goosebumps as a result" Or something like that.Usually linked to the bullfight or Flamenco dancing.  Google it and you will find Lorca's Essay " Teoria y Juego del Duende"The Theory and Play of Duende. Simply fascinating and is in the old Spanish/Andalusian dialect.  She so clearly is Duende! 

  We had been scheduled to do a Bridle Horse Demo at the Andalusian Show in July, and were all prepared, but 2 weeks before, Duende came up dead lame on her left hind and after a corse of antibiotics and wrapping, I made the decision to forego the show to not further stress it as it healed. So next year we try again! As you may have noticed, I shaved her mane and forelock off for the show. Spanish horses are presented shaved...even their tails...but I couldn't make myself do that! It sure grew in thick and curly...its the BEST to ruffle your fingers through...:)

 Its now November and I made yet another decision to not wean until spring. With a single foal who has great manners and a stern mom who is slowly weaning her anyway I thought " Why add stress?"  She ponies of Espada, leads around the yard by herself, has her feet done, brushes and is learning to tie. All in all....this has been a delight and after losing two foals with my old mare Mia, incredibly healing and rewarding for me. I feel so blessed and excited for our future....and pausing to consider all the "Airs Above the Ground" she now seems to be growing into....:) 

What a delight. What a journey. What a Gift....

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What if?

Ever had one of those thoughts that you just kinda went..."Nah? Where did that come from?
You know, the ones that sneak out somehow through all those internal chatterbox, gear grinding, regurgative thoughts that sadly we mostly are not even aware that we run as an endless loop tape? Yeah those very cool thoughts. This one that I feel compelled to share tonight came a few years ago, whilst pondering life changes and feeling a certain degree of well, frankly...UTTER CHAOS! Somehow seems apropo for the times....

I suppose I feel the urge to share because we so often forget this simple truth and its inherent freedom and responsibility. 

But interestingly enough, our animals just know this to be true. They don't stand around in their little herds pondering how to be a snazzier trotter then everyone else. Nor do they harbor small, nasty thoughts about the way so-and-so's mane is always SUCH a mess! (ok...ok.Maybe I have heard Cita mention IV's mane to 'Spady a time or two) 

Nor do they belittle themselves when they missed that lead change. Or secretly wished they were a different color. Agonize over their past. Wish they were taller, slimmer....

 Nope, they simply Live in the Now...where we all do, but us 'Egocentric' humans well, we forget, beat ourselves up, compare ourselves favorably or unfavorably to others, second guess ourselves and just generally stop believing in our dreams. Why is that???? 

Oh to be more humble and learn from the Masters.....

What If?

   I am so Magnificent,
So Huge, So Powerful,
So Gentle, So Wise.
So Purely Divine?
What If?

What Then.........?